GROUP 1 – TRANSPLANT DATE LATE MAY TO MID-JUNE:īeans – dwarf, French and climbing beetroot broccoli Brussels sprouts carrots celery chard courgette and summer squash cucumber kale leaf beet leeks lettuce parsnips salad onion squash for winter (asap) swede sweetcorn (asap) Keep your soil healthy and harvests plentiful, through plants growing all the time.ĭates for transplanting three- to five-week-old seedlings Use the groupings alongside the finish dates in the table, to help you to plot and plan what could follow a planting whose harvests are ending. The aim is to maximise your success, through every sowing being at a propitious time.
I want to clarify sowing for succession, through the groupings and table shown below. By early November, there are spring onions transplanted after courgettes, and cabbage after cabbage the parsnips are yet to crop Succession timings